CFE version 1.0.34 for BCM95365R (32bit,SP,LE) Build Date: Tue Feb 24 03:21:41 CST 2004 (root@jackylinux) Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Broadcom Corporation. Add MAC client version(DNI). Initializing Arena. Initializing Devices. et0: Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller CPU type 0x29007: 200MHz Total memory: 0x2000000 bytes (32MB) Total memory used by CFE: 0x81BB1280 - 0x82000000 (4517248) Initialized Data: 0x81BB1280 - 0x81BB3E90 (11280) BSS Area: 0x81BB3E90 - 0x81BB45D0 (1856) Local Heap: 0x81BB45D0 - 0x81FB45D0 (4194304) Stack Area: 0x81FB45D0 - 0x81FB65D0 (8192) Text (code) segment: 0x81FB65E0 - 0x81FFFFB0 (301520) Boot area (physical): 0x01B70000 - 0x01BB0000 Relocation Factor: I:E23B65E0 - D:01BB0280 configure vlans ***************************************************************** *********************** VLAN Driver initial ******************** ***************************************************************** Process LAN port(2-5) vlan Architecture... SUCCESS: trying to create VLAN 0 for switch SUCCESS: trying to add LAN port Process WAN port(2-5) vlan Architecture... SUCCESS: trying to create VLAN 0 for switch SUCCESS: trying to add WAN port SUCCESS: enable ports success configure vlans...done Device eth0: hwaddr 00-0F-B5-0F-94-16, ipaddr, mask gateway not set, nameserver not set Loader:elf Filesys:raw Dev:flash0.os File: Options:(null) *************************** **** MAC Client V1.0 **** *************************** et0macaddr value :flag =0 value=00-0f-b5-0f-94-16 et1macaddr value :flag =0 value=00-0f-b5-0f-94-17 MAC exist at least one system ethernet mac exist and not default.... Skip mac client process..... Loading: 0x80001000/3732 Entry at 0x80001000 Closing network. et0: link down Starting program at 0x80001000 **Exception 32: EPC=800562D8, Cause=00000010, VAddr=5395A6E9 RA=8005673C, PRID=00029007 0 ($00) = 00000000 AT ($01) = 00000000 v0 ($02) = 00000000 v1 ($03) = 00000000 a0 ($04) = 000080D0 a1 ($05) = 00000000 a2 ($06) = 8020DB9C a3 ($07) = 00000000 t0 ($08) = 00000030 t1 ($09) = 800EC540 t2 ($10) = 80300000 t3 ($11) = 00000000 t4 ($12) = 00000000 t5 ($13) = 00000000 t6 ($14) = 00000000 t7 ($15) = 00000000 s0 ($16) = 8020D4AC s1 ($17) = 00000001 s2 ($18) = 000080D0 s3 ($19) = 5395A6D1 s4 ($20) = 00000000 s5 ($21) = 00000000 s6 ($22) = 00000001 s7 ($23) = 80290000 t8 ($24) = FFFFFFC8 t9 ($25) = 803005E4 k0 ($26) = 81FCAABC k1 ($27) = 81FEA720 gp ($28) = 81BB9280 sp ($29) = 81FB5FD8 fp ($30) = FFFF7E4C ra ($31) = 8005673C